Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The End of Inflated GB's

"Try to keep up Google!"

I can picture Steve Jobs, sitting in his office, dreaming about his upcoming tech conferences, hoping to blow everyone's minds.  The tech world treats the WWDC the way Hollywood treats a blockbuster movie premiere.  Everyone is waiting impatiently for the event, and rarely does Apple fail to amaze.

For nearly the past half decade, I have looked forward to the release of Apple's newest products.  Whether it be iPad, iPod, iPhone, or Mac, I anxiously awaited to see what Steve Jobs would unleash on the tech world, sending everyone into iCraziness.  For a while, it seemed that each product release would offer an increase in the products GB storage.  iPods started at a few gigs, but within a few years you could by one with a mind-boggling 160GBs.  Who the hell has a 40,000 song library of music? Probably not too many, but with the addition of photos, and videos, that 160GB total could be reached in no time.  But yesterday, Apple most likely ended my interest in discovering how much storage they could pack into each little device with the announcement of the iCloud, a never-ending supply of memory that can automatically sync your music, photos, and files onto every one of your Apple devices.  No more annoying white cords every time you want to sync your newest album download to your iPod. I couldn't tell you how many times I downloaded new music, or created a new playlist, but ultimately forgot to sync it to my new iPod.

I can't wait for the days where I can save a document on my computer at home, access it on the way to work on my phone, then open it up again when I get to the office, all without using e-mail or a thumb-drive.   I plan on getting the iPhone 5 when it comes out this fall, but will reconsider my plan to get one with at least 30GB.  If I can spend less money getting one with less storage, I'd rather spend the money on the $25 monthly fee for unlimited iCloud space.  It never ceases to amaze me how innovative Apple can be, and ultimately how most other tech companies scramble to keep up.

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